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How To Be Human Mindfulness & Meditation Podcast

Did anyone else have this subconscious belief growing up that eventually in adulthood - maybe when we turned 18, maybe 21, maybe 30? - we’d have all the answers, and we would know exactly what to do in every situation? That we would wake up every morning feeling happy, rested, and ready for the day and then we’d go to bed each night feeling fulfilled and connected and ready for a restful, dreamless sleep? 


If you’re anything like me, that day has yet to come. There's no manual or set of directions or class in high school for how to do this humaning thing that we are all doing. We're just figuring it out as we go.


I won't ever tell you what to do or how to live your life (only you know what's best for you), but this podcast is designed to share some ways I've learned to feel more connected and embodied in my daily life.


Episodes include mindfulness ideas, exercises to support mental health and healthy relationships, personal stories, as well as meditations for you to utilize whenever is convenient for you. 

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